PG Diploma Psycho-sexual therapy with Birkbeck University/Relate Institute
Certificate in Clinical Supervision, Relate Institute
PG Diploma in Applied Systemic Theory, The Tavistock and Portman NHS
Basic Drug Awareness Level 2, OCN
Certificate of Systemic Practice in Family Therapy, Relate Institute
Counselling Young People, Relate (Herbert Gray College)
Groups Skills (Theory & Practice) for Trainers Level 3, OCN
Certificate in Marital and Couple Counselling - Theory and Practice, Relate (HGC)
Relate Couple Counselling Training from 1992 to 1994
Throughout my career I have maintained a professional and ethical approach by regularly attending CPD's (Continued Professional Development) trainings and workshops. They are many and varied over thirty plus years of practice, but I will list some areas of interest and specific courses:
Medical Aspects of Sexual Activity Part 1 and Part 2
Disordered Easting in Families and Relationships: A wordless communication
Trans and Non-Binary Training
Living with the Sexual consequences of Cancer
EMDR Part 1 - Training
Attachments & Neuroscience Days 1,2 &3
Culture & Diversity in Therapy
Cost of Caring; Vicarious Trauma & Practitioner Self Care
Gender, Sexual & Relational Diversity
Multiagency Safeguarding Children - Family Resilience & Family Safeguarding
Child Protection Conferences, Plans and Core Groups
Genital and Pelvic Pain - A Multidisciplinary Approach
Suicidal Risk & Support
Child Protection and Safeguarding (Annual)
Coercive Control
Vaginismus and Dyspareunia
Domestic Abuse Awareness
Safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults.
Gender and Sexual Diversity
Systemic tools for working with sexual and gender diversity.
Sex and the brain - the neuroscience of love, sex and attachment
Emotionally Focussed Couple Therapy - Attachment based Systemic couple therapy.
Clinical Skills for working with Trauma.
Trans and Non Binary Training Day
Working with Disassociation
Compulsive Use of Internet Sex - Functions and Impacts Within the Couple
Attachment Narratives in Families
Ethical dilemmas when working with Young People
Conflict Resolution
Substance Use and Couples
Solution Focussed Brief Therapy
Ethical Postures in Therapy
Systemic Ideas and Creative Practice with Young People
Child Focused Practice
Collaborative Relationships between Clients and Therapists, Trainers and Trainees
Understanding Young People's Mental Health
CAF (Common Assessment Framework) Awareness
Domestic Violence & Abuse Keeping Children Safe from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Mental Health and Couple Counselling
Clinical Supervision is a consultation process for clinical colleagues.